The Complete Education Portal


About us

Rajagiri Media Trust (RMT) was registered on 4th October 2013 in Kochi to provide useful services for the education sector in India. The same year, the flagship publication of Rajagiri Media was started and it was named  Pallikkutam, the Education Observer.  It has a noble mission to make quality education universal.  RMT celebrated its Decennial Foundation Day on October 4, 2023, with a resolve to promote Pallikkutam Pedagogy that ushers in entrepreneurial mindset in students across the globe. 

Reclaiming of Pallikkutam Legacy 

Investigations have shown that the word Pallikkutam has its origin in Pali language, the language of Sri Buddha. (In Pali: palli = Monastery and kutam = (School) attached to a Buddhist monastery). Sri Buddha initiated a Pallikkutam Revolution starting from the city of Rajagir in Nalanda, where he established his first monastery. Buddhist universities embraced a totally inclusive approach towards education, which removed every restriction on student admission based on caste, creed, gender or nationality. Sri Buddha, who considered cleansing sanatanadharma from its caste-based interpretation as his life's mission, fought against the caste-based exclusivism of gurukulas of the day. 

In 1864, the catholic church in India under the synergistic leadership of Archbishop Baccinelli representing the Latin Church and St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, representing Syrian Church as the Vicar General, made a solemn declaration: “Pallikkoppam Pallikkutam”, inaugurating an initiative to build schools attached to every parish church. After the model of Buddhist Pallikkutams, Christian Pallikkutams also were also conceived as inclusive and holistic. The fight for universal education culminated in the formulations of Constitution of India, which formally abolished every kind of caste-based exclusivism from education sector.

However, an elitist exclusivism in education is being silently accepted as the norm today. The Rajagiri Media believes that education could be made available, accessible, affordable, and adaptable for every learner without any distinctions whatsoever, by resorting to modern-day technologies and in collaboration with people of good will.

Along with the Catholic Church in India, every promoter of Pallikkutam education shall be proud of being the true heirs of the most liberative national legacy of education of India and continue our efforts to make quality education universal.

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Pallikkutam -- the Education Observer 

According to the educational philosophy of Pallikkutams, neither teachers nor parents shall meddle with the self-actualization of the learners, but for developing suitable ecosystems that serve this purpose. 

As per the vision of St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, children are but the treasure of God given to the hands of parents (and teachers). Hence, the learning ecosystems at schools shall be complemented by that at families of the learners. Hence, updating teachers and empowering parents are two sides of the same coin when it refers to the conduct of education.

In 2013, Rajagiri Media registered the magazine Pallikkutam -- the Education Observer at Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI: KERBIL/2013/51895) and with International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 2582-2586). The magazine is designed to support the development of a suitable and enlightened ecosystem for the new generation learners. The magazine has grown as one of the best of its kind magazine for educating families during the last 10 years.

We have developed a fully digital version of the magazine, which should facilitate its easy spread to the world as one of the best magazines in the education sector. Rajagiri Media plans to add many freebies to the subscription package of its digital version. 

Note: Pallikkutam, The Education Observer is now available only in digital format. Subscribe here: Pallikkutam