The Complete Education Portal

Cover Story

The Octopian Way

Hierarchical and democratic form of governance is not suitable for modern day education institutions. The octopian way empowers each stakeholder in the system

Crisis of Campus Leadership

Instructional leaders should be empathetic to stakeholders, efficient resource managers and should come up with out of the box solutions and have strong vision

Wanted Instructional Leaders

Enrolment in schools have increased thanks to various government initiatives, however school leadership has to take measures to improve quality of learning

Bottoms Up Approach Needed for Higher Education

Lot of work needs to be done at the bottom level to make higher education in India to reach global standards. Merit should become priority for leadership


Value of Participatory Approach in Education

The Brooking Centre for Universal Education has come up with a 3-step participatory approach to education that will involve communities, students and teachers


Brain Gym: Learning Through Movement

Brain Gym helps students focus on their task and complete it. It improves the learning outcomes through better concentration and cognitive skills development


Effective Way to Learn Proportional Reasoning

Learning proportional reasoning in Maths using different points of view enables understanding of a problem better and can be applied for other subjects too.


Nike Completes A Decade of Gamification

For past 10 years, Nike has effectively used Gamification to make consumers engage with the brand by capturing their imagination. It promotes fitness as well


Importance of E-Portfolios

E-portfolios allow a student to display their ideas, achievements and plans for future.


How to Engage Students with Global Values?

Students should be given opportunities for holistic development by engaging in activities beneficial for society. They should also get leadership training.


A Prayer for Peace

On this Martyr's Day it is time to reflect on the violence and and disturbances across the globe and pray for peace


A Higher Court Than One of Justice

The Court of Conscience supersedes all other courts of law. Those who listen to God's voice will never stray from the right path and lead a peaceful life